Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin on Friday retorted to Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan's recent jab against him on his earlier comments on Sanatan Dharmabitstarz, with a cryptic "Let's wait and see".
Kalyan while speaking about Sanatan Dharma warned whoever compares Sanatan Dharma with a 'virus' will get 'wiped out' referring to Udhayanidhi's remark from last year calling for "eradication" of 'Sanatana Dharma' which had triggered a political row.
What Did Andhra Pradesh Dy CM Pawan Kalyan Say On Sanatan Dharma?Pawan Kalyan addressed the controversy on Tirupati laddus a day before the Supreme Court is expected to hear the case on the allegation of using animal fat in making those laddus and said that he wanted to communicate to the judiciary that Jagan Mohan Reddy was facing several charges including corruption allegations and the apex court has to consider before giving a decision.
"Laddu prasadam adulteration is a tip of the iceberg. We don’t know how many crores of rupees they collected during the tenure of (the last) five years. That has to be investigated," the Deputy CM said.
"Eminent people of this nation, let me tell you what exactly the previous government and the leader was. The previous chief minister is trying to act innocent," he added.
Tirupati Laddu Row: SC Forms SIT; Pawan Kalyan Proposes 'Sanatana Dharma Certification'On CM Chandrababu Naidu's allegation that laddu was made using adulterated ghee, the Deputy CM said the TDP chief was sharing with MLAS and MPs what exactly had happened, citing a "fact".
He described the laddu adulteration issue as an attack on "Sanatana Dharma" for the past five years.
Referring to the recent comments made by Tamil Nadu Deputy CM Udhayanidhi Stalin, Kalyan in Tamil said, "Don't say that Sanatana Dharma is like a virus, and it will destroy."
"Whoever said this let me tell you sir. You can not wipe out Sanatana Dharma. If anyone tries to wipe out Santana Dharma let me tell you from the feet of Lord Balaji you will be wiped out."
Kalyan also stressed the need to bring in legislation at the national level to protect Sanatana Dharma and establish Sanatana Dharma protection boards with adequate funds at national and state levels.
"I am an unapologetic Sanatani Hindu. Let me be very clear," he said, and vowed to safeguard it with his life.
The Deputy CM further said Sanatana Dharma is going to stay here. "People like you might come and go, but Sanatana Dharma goes on forever. It would not stop. It is beyond," he added.
After the Supreme Court directed for an SIT to be formed to probe the matter, Kalyan urged that a 'Sanatana Dharma Certification' to be given for 'prasadam' offered across temples in India to ensure the maintenance of purity of the food. According to him, this certificate would maintain the sanctity of temple practices and safeguard religious traditions.
'Keep Gods Away From Politics': SC Slams Andhra CM Naidu For Fuelling Tirupati Laddu Controversy Udhayanidhi Stalin's Earlier Controversial RemarkIn September last year, Udhayanidhi, son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, triggered a political outrage by remarking that 'Sanatana Dharma' should be eradicated. Equating it to mosquitos, dengue, malaria, fever, and corona, he said it should be stamped out like those ailments.
Udhayanidhi later clarified that he never called for genocide of people who were following 'Sanatana Dharma' and said this Dharma divided people in the name of caste and religion.bitstarz